Saturday, March 3, 2012

Thinking Folly-Tolle E

Eckhart Tolle, a spiritual teacher who was born in German wrote his opinion on his book ‘The Power of Now’ about how thinking can affect continuous conflicts and problems to the thinker and consequently separate one’s creativity and illusion from reality on their life.

Thinking create complex world with continuous problems and inner conflict
Thinking needs ones to live in a complex world with full of puzzles and conflicts. Thinking creates a wall of words, judgments and images that blocks all true relationships. Apparently, thinking has become a disease for all human being; people either use their mind wrongly or not use it at all. Human will not realize that their minds have taken over them as they believe their minds are what they are. 

Imagination is more important than knowledge

According to Einstain, he values imagination more than knowledge as knowledge is limited to be known and understand while imagination embraces the entire world. Scientists, for example, create something that benefits mankind from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness. Einstain believed to create or make something, imagination will lead to the ideas and knowledge.

In conclusion, it wasn’t through the mind or thinking that miracle was created. Imagination does create miracles and dreams which is greater that the mind can work. Only then, people will believe that love, joy, peace and beauty arise from beyond the mind.

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